Mining towns and sites we have discovered end up being in the most remote, but also the most beautiful places. Mainly due to the geological forces of the past that drew the miners to these locations. Here at the Catwalk in New Mexico though, there is something a little extra special.
Is it the bubbling brook that cascades gently throughout the entire trail?

What about the quaint, quiet picnic areas covered in a layer of fallen leaves from the treetop canopy that provides shelter?

Perhaps it’s the rugged mountains that loom just ahead?

Or the metal catwalk that clings to the side of the cliff face?

Yes. That is the short answer.
All of these incredible attributes combined keeps you excited, and you continue in anticipation to see what awaits out of view. When you get there, the smile and awe continue to grow.

Walking high above the canyon floor gives such a unique perspective to everything around you. When you drop down to the creek level and look around, the power of nature sets in.

Some History ABOUT the Catwalk
Miners flocked to this area hoping to get a share in the riches of the Mogollon Mountains, hence, the small town of Graham was born. Its population only reached around 200. Enough to have a general store, dance hall, laundry and of course a saloon. Still, it would be deserted by 1913.

The remains of the stamp mill can be seen on the hill above the parking lot as well as some wood posts from an ore crusher.

Water needed to be piped in to sustain this town, so a four-inch pipe was brought down the mountain. Attached to the cliff face a catwalk was installed to hang, service and later replaced the 4-inch pipe with a larger 18 inch one.
A huge fire shortly followed by a massive flash flood wiped out a good portion of the catwalk and trail, which remains closed.
Our Takeaway on the catwalk
There is something so peaceful and serene about this place. On a lazy day, the picnic area would be perfect for taking a book and letting time drift away. The catwalk itself offers wonderful scenic opportunities and many picture-worthy sections.

If you are close by it is definitely worth a stop, even if you just walk on the elevated catwalk section.
Here’s our video about The Catwalk
In a Nutshell
- Approximately 5 miles from Glenwood, NM, at the end of NM Hwy 174
- $3.00 entry fee
- America The Beautiful Pass works at this location
- Vault Toilets at parking lot
- Picnic areas
- Pack it in pack it out
- Day Use Only
- Wheelchair accessible until first bridge crossing
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