This post may be very different from our usual adventures, but it was an adventure none the less! I had heard adverts on several radio stations about The Saddleback Eye Center – LASIK surgery and Dr. Manger’s LASIK treatment. And I remembered when LASIK treatment became mainstreamed. I had always wondered what it was like and if it worked.
An Uncle of mine had the procedure done some 15 years ago and loved it. Back then, he asked me if I would be interested in getting it done. I said, of course, I would, but it was a tad pricey for me at the time, so it stayed in the back of my mind from that point on.
why i chose dr. manger and the saddleback eye center – lasik
Fast forward to the present. While sitting in the lovely downtown L.A. traffic scene, I would hear the adverts for Dr. Manger nearly every day, wondering what it would be like to be free of dry contact lenses and glasses that I despised, and everyone on the ad raved about it. One night while Andrea was making dinner, we were discussing the topic, and she said, go online right now and check out Dr. Manger’s website.
While on the site, my stomach became all atwitter with excitement. I booked a seminar for an up and coming Saturday.
I still needed to call Dr. Manger’s office with a few questions, so the next day, I phoned. The receptionist was so helpful and answered all my questions. I was all set for the seminar and decided then and there to go ahead and schedule an appointment to get the examination and procedure done.
One reason that helped make that decision even easier was, for attending the seminar, I would receive $200 off. If I scheduled to have the full eye examination and treatment done the same day, the exam was free. If I had both eyes done on the same day, it was another $500 off each eye, so in total, the savings were $1,300 off the whole procedure if I was deemed a candidate.
the seminar
The day of the seminar was Saturday and was held at the Saddleback Eye Center itself. I was already scheduled for my exam the next Monday, so this was the perfect time to check everything out, meet the staff, tour the facility and ask Dr. Manger any questions.
I am so glad I did this. Getting to hear former patients tell their stories was great, meeting the exceptional staff members and see the wonderful establishment genuinely put me at ease.

They do provide you with a few industry secrets that I won’t mention here because I do suggest you attend the seminar. There are food and drinks, you get to chat with the staff, and everything gets explained to you. Plus, seriously, how many other establishments let you take a tour of their surgery rooms and see the equipment they use? Think of it like a test drive before you buy.
Another bonus! After the procedure, they need to see you early the next morning, and since we live just under 50 miles from Laguna Hills, we would be put up in a complimentary hotel with shuttle service and even a meal! It all sounds too good to be true right? It just kept getting better. The only caveat was, I had to wait a whole eight days until my surgery.
Now a quick side note to mention. You can schedule the eye exam and surgery on the same day, but you still have to qualify as a candidate for the surgery. Some people are still not a good fit for LASIK, and they will give some examples of why.
the morning of…..
Finally, the day had arrived. Was I nervous? Not at all and for a few reasons. I knew I was in the best hands possible, Dr. Manger had preformed over 87,000 of these surgeries and the staff he has, front and back-office, are all incredible and professional. Also, I had already been to his office. I’d seen the equipment, rooms and lasers he would be using, so there was a sense of familiarity.
I was overly excited to be getting rid of my glasses and contacts and see appropriately for the first time in my life.
We played a game while driving in. Andrea drove the back streets all the way there and kept saying, “Well, this is the first and last time you’ll be seeing this with glasses.”
I tried getting her to run red lights and blow through stops signs using that reasoning, but she wouldn’t go for it. (That is a joke, of course)
After arriving at the Saddleback Eye Center and checking in, there are a few more forms to fill out before the actual exam; you know the usual stuff.
then the moment came
My name was called. Smile and stuffed Harvey in tow, I headed into the back-room to begin the series of tests. Once completed, I was informed I had passed with flying colours, to which I replied: “Good, because I didn’t even study!”
I was a strong candidate for LASIK, so there were a few more signatures needed before they could perform the surgery. My counsellor was Hayley, who is wonderful, explains everything you’re signing to keep you from getting overwhelmed.
I went back out into the waiting room while they prepped everything and was approached by a very distinguished gentleman who asked if I had suitable sunglasses.
I did, but they weren’t polarized. Bob explained why polarized is better, especially after LASIK to block U.V. rays and walked me back to check out some frames.
He suggested a pair that would suit my face, and that sealed the deal. I am happy with my “sunnies”, Andrea even got some, and we look sexy as hell. We walk everywhere in slow motion now, because that’s how it must be done!

P.S. we even received a discount on them!
Sincerely though, Thank you, Bob. We love our new sunglasses, their cases and lens cleaners!
now for the fun part, the surgery itself
It starts with a valium and a series of numbing drops for your eyes. You sit in the back room with your eyes closed to let the valium and drops take effect, then the next series of eye drops come. A few minutes later, you are escorted to the laser room.
From this point forward, every single thing that is about to happen is explained in detail as it happens. A clamp is placed to keep you from blinking, and then you feel some slight pressure around your eye and your sight blacks out as the laser makes the precise cuts. About 60 seconds later, they move to the next eye and repeat this process.
After that, you are escorted back out to a chair. With a few more eye drops administered, you relax for a few minutes to let the bubbles disperse. Then the final step starts.
The clamp is placed on again, and you allow the lasers to do their job. That is it. Less than five minutes total under the lasers has corrected what has been faulty my entire life.

Please re-read that last sentence, because that is immense! The struggle of getting contact lenses that feel comfortable all day, and scouring the brands of cleaning solutions to find one that works.
Worrying when you’re down to your last pair and can’t get any more without scheduling yet another eye exam. Settling for a pair of glasses that don’t quite fit right, they rub on the back of your ears and are uncomfortable when worn all day, has gone.
hassles of contacts and glasses while travelling
On one occasion we were flying to Europe, I was in a rush to buy a small contact solution for the trip, and I didn’t check the bottle correctly. When we got to our seats, I filled up the lens case, placed my contacts in for the flight, put on my glasses and relaxed.
Upon landing, I put the lenses back in and immediately my eyes started burning badly. I had picked up a bottle of calcium build-up cleaner by mistake. That was a significant damper on the trip as the entire time my eyes watered and stung like crazy. I’m fortunate I didn’t do permanent damage, but now I will never have this worry ever again!
All the stress is gone, and that is incredibly powerful and freeing.
Your vision will be foggy and a touch blurry right after, and in my case, the next few weeks, especially in my left eye.
Even so the following morning, I re-sat the eye exam and read everything with #20/20 vision. I also read a few lines at #20/15 and was told my sight would only get sharper and better with time.

It has! Four days now all the fogginess has gone, there is blurriness still in my left eye, but I believe it’s from the drops and keeping the eye hydrated. It isn’t much though, because I can see the detail of individual roof tiles over two blocks away!
the aftercare is extremely important
Just follow their directions with all the aftercare to the letter. Wear the safety goggles provided in your little black bag day and night. These prevent anything from scratching your eyes while they heal. Is it a little weird to get used to? Yes, but the benefit far outweighs that, and it’s only for five days and nights. Use the drops as prescribed. They may sting a little, but this is normal.
The staff show you a way to clean your eyelashes very gently with a moist Q-Tip. I found this helps with the stinging.
are you interested yet?
Should you do this? In My Opinion, I think you should attend the seminar and make that choice on your own! It’s not as expensive as you may think. It is quick and pain-free, and Dr. Manger is the best of the best.
More importantly, you should do it for yourself, because you have no idea how good it will make you feel. I wake up every morning and smile while looking out of my window over the city because I can see better than ever!

Once you fix something, no matter how small it is, you always ask yourself “Why on Earth did I wait so long.”
Stop waiting. your happiness is worth it
Now I want to go back to Paris, and truly see the Eiffel Tower. Gaze out over the rugged beauty of Iceland with complete clarity this time. Enjoy the history of England, even more thoroughly.
Canada, where we can relax and enjoy the crisp skyline of Toronto and find more inspirations. Revisit all of our Road trips and Mysterious Places once more to see everything better than ever!
As one final note, please keep in mind, this is my personal experience and my own opinions about my encounter with the Saddleback Eye Center, which I found to be extremely positive.
My procedure was on the 25th of November 2019, at the time this post publishes it will be close to two months with my new vision. I waited for my eyes to heal and adjust to my new sight, so I could give a truthful and honest account of the surgery and my progress.
My eyes are without question incredible!
In fact, on our recent trip to Death Valley, I was able to make out objects in the distance without the binoculars. Everything looks like it’s in Ultra High Definition. I wake up every morning and am amazed at how great this feels.
I use eye drops as suggested by the Dr.’s due to dryness. It is beneficial to keep everything lubricated, and it feels better. I am looking forward to my six-month check-up.
I am so Happy and Grateful for The Saddleback Eye Center – LASIK surgery and Dr. Manger for this gift of perfect vision.
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